James Edward Oglethorpe Chapter
Organized December 4, 1934, the chapter has members largely from the Atlanta metro area. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Old Fayette County Courthouse (September, November & February) and Petite Violette Restaurant (May). The chapter is named for the resident Trustee and Founder of the Georgia Colony.
Regent – Debbie Bray
Vice Regent –
Chaplain - Elaine Thames
Recording Secretary - Scarlett Gibson
Corresponding Secretary - Phyllis King
Registrar - Mary Long
Treasurer - Susan Sloan
Historian - Cheryl Manley
Librarian - Karen Griffin
Chaplain - Elaine Thames
Recording Secretary - Scarlett Gibson
Corresponding Secretary - Phyllis King
Registrar - Mary Long
Treasurer - Susan Sloan
Historian - Cheryl Manley
Librarian - Karen Griffin